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Creativecommons Ireland
Etis Loveawake
Some Men Just Can’t Keep Their Monogamy Genes On
Don’t Settle for Bad Dating
Roosh’s Brotherly Advice
The BEST Personal Development Advice for Women
David Wygant and the Worst Advice I’ve Ever Heard
A Man’s Take on Advice in Women’s Magazines

If either of you starts gaining weight, join forces in a common goal to stay healthy and rediscover ways to fit an active lifestyle into your schedule. It can be very challenging, so you both need to be committed. Just make sure you have an open discussion about your goals and limitations, so that you know where your partner stands. You each should have an opportunity to voice your preferences and concerns so that you know to motivate and accommodate each other.

Emotions and food go together. If you notice that your partner is putting on more than a few pounds, you should consider the emotional state that accompanies this kind of physical change. Is there underlying tension in your relationship that’s causing one or both of you to find your solace in food? Couples who argue a lot sometimes use food as an emotional substitute to relieve anxiety. If you suspect that either one of your is gaining weight in response to emotional distress, make sure you address the underlying emotional issues just as much (if not more) than the physical issues.

Following healthy diet plan and workout program will not only help you shed extra pounds, but it will also help you relieve anxiety. Gaining weight can make you feel unattractive and bottom-out your self-esteem. Be considerate of your partner’s sensitivity (and your own!) about their weight gain and focus your efforts on being understanding and supportive. You guys are on the same team! If you’re in it together, it will be easier to achieve your mutual goal to stay fit and attractive for each other.

Exercise will help you lose weight, stay healthy, look sexy and have fun! It’s a great couples bonding activity and it will open up new doors to enjoy spending time together. Plus, it’s a little romantic to talk about what you want to teach your kids, even if it’s as simple as healthy eating habits and exercise.

It says nothing about other choices. The women who genuinely are committed to being a SAHM will casually disregard it whilst their STEM counterparts might feel comforted. This is hardly a sinister video imo. On the list of things to worry about, Sesame Street should come a lot lower than the current paradigm of lace thongs for under 7s, Brazilian waxes for under 14s, MTV, skinny pills, child pageants, Hollywood, Bratz dolls, iCarly…