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I’m reading through C.S. Lewis’s biography and I was just going over a chapter talking about his rejection of authority. Essentially all of the authorities in his life growing up where corrupt, weak, and pettily tyrannical. Thus, he rejected all authority, even by extension heavenly authority (before his later conversion). When all those in your society seem to be the worst your society can produce you begin to reject even the concept of authority.

There is nothing more dangerous for a man then to be at the whim of an unworthy authority figure. If all you can look forward to is bad leadership, if all your see as your future is becoming like this person, you will quickly come to hate all hierarchy and authority.

I think all of us that work in large organizations has seen this. There is an element of game theory in many large organizations that promotes really unethical, weak, unmasculine people to the top. In my own case I found out my boss is my boss because he is very weak willed and his helping my boss’s boss act unethically. The most competent man in my organization with the best character was fired for speaking out against this. It is soul crushing.

David Alexander
Thank you asdf.

I share the exact same sentiments.

It took a huge gulp of ego to admit that we do.. at times defer responsibility and obey authority.. And I respect that. The vast majority of young men accredit nearly all of their accomplishments/blessings to themselves.

There’s a reason why the whole apprentice-tradesman and father/son relationship is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE in a great portion of the pasts’ literature. It is the transferring of knowledge and the rite of passage to mankind (elimination of fear) that forged worthwhile civilizations and societies.