{"bf_titre":"Samara Dating","bf_structure":"Russian Personals","bf_objectif":"https:\/\/www.lisaduba.nl\/blog\/lifestyle\/till-death-do-us-part-ten-solid-tips-for-a-strong-and-lasting-marriage\/ 'Till Death Do Us Part: Ten Solid Tips For a Strong and Lasting Marriage\r\nhttps:\/\/www.brusselles.be\/blog\/lifestyle\/do-we-unfairly-demonize-celebrity-girls-gone-wild\/ Do We Unfairly Demonize Celebrity Girls Gone Wild\r\nhttps:\/\/www.jouwlifehacks.nl\/blog\/lifestyle\/how-to-boost-your-self-confidence-with-the-opposite-sex\/ How to Boost Your Self-Confidence With the Opposite Sex\r\nhttps:\/\/www.jbeunk.nl\/blog\/lifestyle\/why-feminists-want-you-to-get-herpes\/ Why Feminists Want You to Get Herpes\r\nhttps:\/\/www.luxe-skivakantie.nl\/blog\/lifestyle\/abstinence-everybodys-doing-it\/ Abstinence: Everybody\u2019s Doing It!\r\nhttps:\/\/www.startbonus.be\/blog\/lifestyle\/whats-dumb-about-hooking-up\/ Sexual Attraction + Compatibility = Nothing?\r\nhttps:\/\/www.linksscript.nl\/blog\/lifestyle\/the-complex-algorithm-of-female-attraction\/ What\u2019s Dumb About Hooking Up\r\nhttps:\/\/www.startu.be\/blog\/lifestyle\/sexual-attraction-plus-compatibility-nothing\/ The Complex Algorithm of Female Attraction\r\n\r\nWe met just outside his building, and walked down to the venue \u2013 it was a takeaway place down an alley. And whilst the sushi looked great, it was a poorly thought-out choice, as it was a rainy day. We ended up taking our sushi to a nearby foodcourt to eat. Not a good start.\r\n\r\nBut the conversation was fine and we used up his entire hour lunch break quite easily. We discussed iPhone apps, families, and spent a lot of time talking about exercise for some reason.\r\n\r\nWe walked back to his building where he then told me he\u2019d like to do this again. On the weekend. I said I was quite busy. He asked me what I was doing. I said I was going to the movies the next morning with Magic and Macca. He said \u201cWell it won\u2019t start until 10am at the earliest\u201d, so I agreed to have breakfast with him. It felt a little bit like a hostage negotiation but I was very happy to see how it panned out. It wasn\u2019t a complete fail as far as first dates go.\r\n\r\nHowever at one point he did say \u201cYou aren\u2019t as SCARY TALL as I thought you would be.\u201d I don\u2019t think that\u2019s a very good compliment.\r\n\r\n\u2192 1 Comment\r\n\r\nPosted in Take2?'s Posts\r\n\r\nTagged advice, bachelor, boys, breakfast, Dating, dating advice, funny, girls, men, movie, online, Online Dating, Single, single girls, singles, sushi, weekend\r\n\r\nTake2: 2010 in review\u2026 phew!\r\nPosted on January 10, 2011 by Take2?| 3 Comments\r\n\u201cMy loneliness is killing me and I, I must confess, I still believe\u201d Britney Spears\r\n\r\n2010. What a crazy year. The year I started learning the guitar. I also started a new job. And I started online dating.\r\n\r\nBoy, did I date or did I date!?!\r\n","checkboxListeRegard":"cult,social","bf_description":,"bf_telephone":,"bf_mail":,"bf_site_internet":"https:\/\/kancelariafrejowskichf.pl\/","bf_adresse2":,"bf_code_postal":"02574","bf_ville":"Warszawa","bf_latitude":"43.594007","bf_longitude":"1.4213499999999613","bf_interet":,"bf_apports":,"bf_remarques":"","id_typeannonce":"1","createur":"Anonyme","categorie_fiche":"membres","date_creation_fiche":"2017-06-30 13:48:57","date_debut_validite_fiche":"2017-06-30","date_fin_validite_fiche":"0000-00-00","id_fiche":"AmelaAlihodzic","statut_fiche":"1","imagebf_image":"bf_imagelogo_playtime_fond_blanc_web_petit.png","carte_google":"43.594007|1.4213499999999613","date_maj_fiche":"2024-05-06 14:46:36","oldimage_imagebf_image":"bf_imagelogo_playtime_fond_blanc_web_petit.png"}